Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Tips for Choosing Pet Reptiles (Very Important For You What I want to Selecting animals Reptiles)

Keeping reptiles is not longer a strange thing though in some circles of society are still considered taboo. If you want to adopt animals from species of reptiles, there are some things to consider, among other things:

* Avoid impulsive adoption, do not adopt just because passions at once without taking into account various matters relating to long-term commitment between you and the pet.
* Learn first about the ins and outs of animal that you want to adopt, this will make it easier for you and your pet.
* Prepare in advance and all the needs pet cage before you bring it home, so the pet will make it easier to adapt to her new place.
* Who will care for intensive
* The cost of feed and health
* Acceptance of your environment against animal reptile. As mentioned above, some circles of society condemned reptiles like snakes. Check carefully to see if your environment allows.
Pet reptiles are very suitable for the person who lives within the scope of an apartment building or housing small type, because:

* Not a lot of moves, so it does not require extensive site
* Not a lot of noise even sometimes no sound at all, so as not to disturb your neighbors.
* Does not require "the streets" like a dog.
* Have a calm and quiet character
If your motivation in choosing a pet reptile just to "show off" and look handsome, you'd better think twice. Long-term commitment between you and your pet will fade when feeling bored already alight. Learn in advance whether a pet reptile that you choose according to your desires and personality in the long term. There are times when you might get married, have children, move your location or living with others.
Some reptiles have very long life such as turtles, and others have relatively short life. If you want to adopt a python or a boa snake, consider again the size of the animal that will be very great, whether you are able to contain it or whether you will throw it away later?
Legal Protection
Once you are confident with the decision in adopting a pet, check carefully and thoroughly about the ownership of the animal permits, whether he is legal to be maintained or protected by law as an animal that should not be maintained. Do not ignore the legal requirements of animals are protected just because you think it can easily avoid it. Smart smart squirrel jumps, he will fall, too. You clever clever fool law, one day maybe you're forced to wrestle with a lawsuit that should not have and you can avoid.
Circumstances bag
Pet is no small responsibility, they need not cost you a little. In terms of supplying food, shelter, accessories, medicine, doctors, vitamins, cages and auxiliary cage like ultraviolet light and so forth. Choose the type of animals that match your financial situation. Do not let the pet into your monthly financial burden.
Age and body size
The best age to adopt a pet is young, but you must make sure that your pet adoption has been able to feed themselves properly and gusto. By adopting at a young age, bond (bond) to be established between you and your pet will become stronger in unison with the growing pet. The pet will get used to and feel familiar with your presence.
Body size also you have to consider, we take the example of "snakes". If you are not used in handling a snake, a large size would be very risky and troublesome anda.Ular large can also be fatal for you and your family.
The nature of socialization pet
Consider that you ingikan socialization with pets. Do you want a happy pet has an interaction with your pet more comfortable or left alone. Snakes are animals who tend to live alone, they do not like disturbed. But to avoid the return of the savagery of a snake, you must routinely handle your snake.
Turtles known to be very tame and friendly if maintained from childhood. But there was a time a turtle become aggressive and rarely bite anyone who bothered him, for example at the time of mating and laying eggs. Iguanas are very tame and active, they are able to socialize with other animals such as dogs and cats.
When you first buy your pet, make sure they are tame and looks comfortable when you hold, unless you want to adopt an animal species that are toxic.
Eat Feed and Test Purposes
Many processed food sold in the market for pet reptiles such as turtle pellets, but some reptiles need a supply of fresh food such as mice, crickets or worms. Baby colubrid snake, for example corn snake eating baby mouse is only called pinkies, and pinkies are very difficult to obtain. Make sure you have adequate food source for pet and is always available at any time.
Ask the test meal for animal species of snakes, because snakes tend to be on a hunger strike with a variety of reasons. If not possible, make agreements with the seller such as: if you buy a snake on a hunger strike then you are entitled to ask for compensation or return the snake. Usually sellers reptilian animals will give warranty on their customers.

Pet Habitat
For pet reptiles grow up healthy and happy, you have to prepare a place to live as comfortable as possible. Uncomfortable place to live can cause death in pets. The environment is very influential both in terms of physical health or mental health. Pet of stress is not uncommon to refuse food until death. The temperature of the room that does not fit can cause several diseases such as fungus or a cold. Learn first how to live your pet carefully. Try to adopt a pet from the breeder not from wild catch. Pet trained by the breeder will be much easier to adapt to the environment that you provided and easily handled in accordance with pengangan breedernya. While catching wild animals will be more difficult, because you should really learn the nature and the wild lunge kick your pet wild. The way he hunted prey, the way he was sunbathing, the way he married and so forth.
Many beginners reptile pet experience failure with death of pet. The reason, of course, vary, it could be due to negligence of the owner or owner's negligence about the nature of the beast that dipeliharanya. One of the main factors of failure is usually because the pet that they obtain is the catch wild. Usually the catch wild animals in a state of prolonged stress and stress is the main factor of death. Stress is always the case when the animal was caught, and then undergo a process of taming a pretty tiring. There are times when animals adapt well catch, but sometimes they are not too out of the trauma.
Your health and child
Some animals are carriers (carrier), viral or bacterial diseases. Discuss the first on your family and your family doctor before bringing a reptile into your home environment. A very large python snake can be very dangerous for small children, whatever sejinak, snakes keep wild animals that will eat anything when she's hungry. Do not make your house uncomfortable with the presence of a new pet because the pet is as consolation goal liver.
Total Pet
Some species of animals prefer to live alone and others need a friend to play. Of course, every animal will experience the mating season. Buying a pair of pet is the best solution, but if it is not possible, find a friend who has a partner. So that when mating season arrives, you do not have a headache would be channeled where lust is. You need to know, pet in a state of lust always cause problems. Snakes will usually be on a hunger strike until many months, some other animal will become restless and aggressive.
Consider also a match with another pet that you have. Some pets will make other pet stress and discomfort.
Nearest Veterinarian
Not easy to find a veterinarian who understands about reptiles, especially snakes. Try to locate a veterinarian who is reliable in handling the animal species of reptiles. Look for information on the website or forum.
Find a friend sehobi
Signing up for a pet reptile forum will be very useful, because in addition you get a lot of friends sehobi, you will also have an extensive source of information about the intricacies of reptile care. From best to ask the pet store, veterinarian to find a partner when your pet breeding season arrives. You also can join the club reptile lover who is your city. Gatherings are always held on a regular basis. Having an extensive network of very useful both for you and the pet.

source: http://www.satwaunik.com

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